
미국 #5 : Building

GNUNIX 2010. 12. 20. 02:00

Good morning!~
we have breakfast.

there is bread & jam and hot cake meterial.
and milk & juice.
that's all.

every morning, i eat same like this in america.
whole youthhostel offer same breakfast.

maybe usually they have breakfast like this.

whole people use same kitchen in youth hosteling
it is chance for close with each other. but i can't.

i has breakfast with my sister only.

maybe every people has same thinking.
want to close, but can not.

be bright.

Let's get out!~
after break fast;;

there is two camera i bring.
but one camera has slow(late) time. 7min?

ah.. it's like repeat...


when i work street, i find out something like bullet.
there is character "SAN DIEGO"
yes. it is not bullet;;;
what is this?

i want to drink this!! since long time ago!
i need power! because i have cold;;;;

i think USA's can is more thiner then KOREA's can.
plastic bag same.
paper box same.
almost same.

now we are moving!~ to some seaside.

here is 콜로라도 섬? 코로나도 섬?
아무튼 샌디에고 ㅋ

there is many building.
small but cute & beauty

there is many cute&beauty house!!~

there is big big~!!~~~ tree.

i feel interesting this tree.

it's bigger then me.

it has red point !

balance is good with her's cloth

어쨋든 레드 포인트는 좋구만
카메라가 그래서 그런가 ㅎ

White & Red
and green.

two building.
maybe owner is rich?

빨간 스카프를 한 백호? ㅋㅋ

좀 오래되어 보이지만 아주 부러운 집이었다.

쉬지않고 계속 찍었다.
shot & shot again.

근사한 대문.

회전까지 귀찮아졌어 ㅡㅡ;;

요것으로 대신합니다 ^^ ㅋ

필름 사진과 차이는 어쩔수 없구나...
역시 필름만의 느낌은 당췌-

열대야 분위기의 나무들

가로로 긴 집.

파인애플같은 나무 ^^
나보다 더큰...

우리 집 같다? ㅋ

새로 지은 건물 같은.

드디어 내가 등장!!
오오 잘 나왔다아!~ ㅋㅋ

마라톤? 조깅 하는 사람들을 보기가 어렵지 않다.

건물 안쪽에 2층으로 올라가는 계단이 보인다.
역시 멋지다 ㅠ

이름 모를 짜리 몽땅한 나무 같은 꽃 같은 나무? 같은 꽃?